Information about Mental Health Law

Mental Health Law governs the temporary involuntary detention, assessment or treatment of persons with a mental illness when the person is not capable of consenting to required medical treatment.

External Resources

Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld) Legislation protecting people with Mental Illnesses.

Where To Go For Help

  • For hearings in the Mental Health Review Tribunal: LawRight previously provided assistance and advocacy at hearings before the MHRT, but this service is closed for the foreseeable future. Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion operates a Mental Health Legal Service that may be able to assist.
  • Queensland Health Victim Support Service – The Queensland Health Victim Support Service provides services to victims of offenders which have been diverted to the forensic mental health system from the criminal justice system.
  • Arafmi Queensland – Arafmi is an organisation that provides support for carers of people living with mental illness.
  • Home Lifeline – Lifeline is an organisation that provides support for people experiencing mental health issues.

You may wish to approach a community legal centre for assistance. To find your nearest community legal centre, please visit the Community Legal Centres Queensland website at There are a number of community legal centres throughout Queensland that hold regular advice sessions.


The information in this resource is for general information purposes only and should not be relied on as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact LawRight or another lawyer. LawRight can only give advice to people who are eligible for our services.